
seisobs-miniIn 1903 the director of the astronomical observatory in Munich, H. von Seeliger, decided to attach a seismological station to the geomagnetic observatory in Munich.
After the erection of a special house earthquakes were observed in Munich with a Wiechert seismograph from 1905 until 1943. In 1943 the observations were stopped and with them the whole seismological service in Bavaria.

At the geophysical observatory in Fürstenfeldbruck a new seismological station was erected by Prof. O. Foertsch in 1959 and the regular registrations were continued. A major extension of the seismological service for Bavaria was achieved through the installation of substations.

Today earthquakes are recorded in Bavaria by a network of 22 stations and 2 additional stations in Austria (http://www.erdbeben-in-bayern.de).


  • Förtsch, O.: 60 Jahre Erdbebendienst in Bayern. In: Zum 125jährigen Bestehen der Observatorien München-Maisach-Fürstenfeldbruck, Geophys. Obs. Fürstenfeldbruck, München 1966