Science return of probing magnetospheric systems of ice giants

  author = { Cao, Xin  and  Chu, Xiangning  and Hsu, Hsiang-Wen  and Cao, Hao  and Sun, Weijie  and  Liuzzo, Lucas  and Halekas, Jasper  and Paty, Carol  and Chu, Feng  and Agiwal, Omakshi  and  Blum, Lauren  and Crary, Frank  and Cohen, Ian J.  and Delamere, Peter  and  Hofstadter, Mark  and Hospodarsky, George  and John, Cooper  and Kollmann, Peter  and Kronberg, Elena  and  Kurth, William  and  Lamy, Laurent  and Lin, Dong  and Li, Wen  and Ma, Xuanye  and Malaspina, David  and Morooka, Michiko  and Nordheim, Tom  and Postberg, Frank  and Poppe, Andrew  and Richard, Cartwright  and Ruhunusiri, Suranga  and Soderlund, Krista  and O'Donoghue, James  and Plaschke, Ferdinand },
  doi = {10.3389/fspas.2024.1203705},
  journal = {Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences},
  language = {en},
  number = {id. 1203705},
  title = {Science return of probing magnetospheric systems of ice giants},
  volume = {vol. 11},
  year = {2024},
%O Journal Article
%A  Cao, Xin 
%A  Chu, Xiangning 
%A Hsu, Hsiang-Wen 
%A Cao, Hao 
%A Sun, Weijie 
%A  Liuzzo, Lucas 
%A Halekas, Jasper 
%A Paty, Carol 
%A Chu, Feng 
%A Agiwal, Omakshi 
%A  Blum, Lauren 
%A Crary, Frank 
%A Cohen, Ian J. 
%A Delamere, Peter 
%A  Hofstadter, Mark 
%A Hospodarsky, George 
%A John, Cooper 
%A Kollmann, Peter 
%A Kronberg, Elena 
%A  Kurth, William 
%A  Lamy, Laurent 
%A Lin, Dong 
%A Li, Wen 
%A Ma, Xuanye 
%A Malaspina, David 
%A Morooka, Michiko 
%A Nordheim, Tom 
%A Postberg, Frank 
%A Poppe, Andrew 
%A Richard, Cartwright 
%A Ruhunusiri, Suranga 
%A Soderlund, Krista 
%A O'Donoghue, James 
%A Plaschke, Ferdinand 
%R 10.3389/fspas.2024.1203705
%J Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
%G en
%N id. 1203705
%T Science return of probing magnetospheric systems of ice giants
%V vol. 11
%D 2024