Oriented magnetite inclusions in plagioclase: Implications for the anisotropy of magnetic remanence

  author = {Ageeva, O. and Habler, G and Gilder, S.A. and Schuster, R.  and Pertsev, A.  and Pilipenko, O.  and Bian, G.  and Abart, R.},
  doi = {10.1029/2021GC010272},
  eid = {e2021GC010272},
  journal = {Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems},
  language = {en},
  title = {Oriented magnetite inclusions in plagioclase: Implications for the anisotropy of magnetic remanence},
  volume = {23},
  year = {2022},
%O Journal Article
%A Ageeva, O.
%A Habler, G
%A Gilder, S.A.
%A Schuster, R. 
%A Pertsev, A. 
%A Pilipenko, O. 
%A Bian, G. 
%A Abart, R.
%R 10.1029/2021GC010272
%1 e2021GC010272
%J Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
%G en
%T Oriented magnetite inclusions in plagioclase: Implications for the anisotropy of magnetic remanence
%V 23
%D 2022