Bachelors and Masters thesis topics / project leader

Magnetic studies of rocks from meteorite impact craters Gilder
Magnetic properties under pressure Gilder
Using geomagnetic observatory data to study space weather Gilder
Magnetic anisotropy of rocks from the Alps Gilder
Topics related to space weather and space plasma physics Kronberg
Applications of machine learning in space weather Kronberg
Palaeomagnetic interpretation of numerical dynamo simulations Lhuillier
Analysis of the 19th century geomagnetic record from Munich/Bogenhausen observatory Lhuillier
Palaeomagnetic field behaviour during the Oligocene from Hocheifel volcanics Lhuillier
Palaeomagnetic field behaviour during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron Lhuillier
Robustness of relative palaeointensity methods on volcanic rocks Lhuillier
Observation of shrinkage cracks in basaltic titanomagneties: relevance for paleomagnetism Petersen
Magnetic properties of dust


Observing magnetic domains in iron meteorites Pohl
Implementation of magnetic analysis methods in Python Wack
High performance FORC processing with C++ CUDA OpenCL Wack
Anisotropy of natural and/or synthetic materials Wack

Investigation of environmental magnetism of strawberry plants from Switzerland (summer 2024)
