PD Dr. Bernhard Schuberth

Bernhard Schuberth


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München
Theresienstr. 41
80333 Munich
Room: C 402
Phone: +49 (89) 2180-4201
Internet: http://www.geophysik.uni-muenchen.de/~bernhard
ORCID: ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2706-1589


My research is focused on a multidisciplinary approach combining computational seismology, geodynamics and mineral physics, which aims at a better understanding of deep Earth structure and dynamics. I have addressed problems regarding the accuracy of numerical methods for 3-D seismic wave propagation, the generation of synthetic models of mantle heterogeneity based on dynamic flow calculations, and the analysis of their thermal and elastic signature as well as a quantitative assessment of their seismic expressions against tomography. Recently, I have set up a novel joint forward modeling framework that can serve as a complementary tool to tomographic inversions: geodynamically derived models of seismic mantle structure are used in simulations of global wave propagation (Fig. 1). This way, specific hypotheses on mantle dynamics can be tested directly against seismic data.


Figure 1. Snapshots of the three-dimensional wavefield in one of our geodynamic models. 3-D global wave propagation was simulated for an earthquake in the Fiji Islands region using a spectral element technique. The wavefield is depicted by green and magenta colours together with the shear wave velocity variations in the model, for which vertical cross-sections and iso-surfaces are shown on a blue to brownish colour scale ranging from -2 to 2 per cent. Surface topography is also shown for parts of the globe for geographic reference [Schuberth et al. 2012].

Methods and tools involved:

    • Large-scale high-performance computations

      • Spectral element techniques for 3-D (an-)elastic wave propagation
      • 3-D finite element modelling of global mantle circulation

    • ``Tomographic Filtering'' of geodynamic models
      i.e., Multiplication with the resolution operator to mimic the effects of uneven data coverage and damping in tomographic inversions

  • Non-linear temperature to seismic velocity scalings using thermodynamic mineralogical models